Energy Compound
Earn Derp Dollars by accurately predicting energy usage at your outpost!
Last updated
Earn Derp Dollars by accurately predicting energy usage at your outpost!
Last updated
Enter the energy compound and start a shift to make predictions about tomorrow’s energy usage at your outposts. Check back the next day to see the outcome!
Energy usage is measured between 0 - 100
Predict if tomorrow's energy use will be higher or lower than today's
If your prediction is correct, earn Derp Dollars and continue the shift to the next day
If your prediction is incorrect, you're fired! Lose all Derp Dollars accumulated throughout the shift
Play cautiously and try to predict if energy will go up or down, earning a smaller reward
Or play aggressively and try to predict if energy will land on an even or odd number and double your accumulated award
Upgrading the compound will reduce the wait timer between predictions and increase maximum rewards
To start a shift, pay the fee. The fee to start a shift is based on the level of your energy compound. The fee plays an important factor, since the reward earned for making predictions is based on the shift fee.
A shift can end in multiple ways:
Making an incorrect prediction – lose accumulated rewards
Land on energy use of 69 – shift ends, earn 2,000 Derp Dollars in addition to accumulated shift rewards
Make 8 consecutive correct predictions
You may end a shift after a correct prediction, taking your accumulated rewards
Each day, you can predict what tomorrow's energy use will be. Each day you have two options:
This lets you guess whether power use will be higher or lower tomorrow. When using the Up or Down options, the reward you earn equals the to start a new shift.
This lets you guess if power will land on an even or odd number tomorrow. When using this option, the reward earned is 2x your current accumulated shift reward.
50 Derp Dollars
24 Hours
35 $DERP
75 Derp Dollars
20 Hours
55 $DERP
100 Derp Dollars
16 Hours
65 $DERP
150 Derp Dollars
12 Hours
95 $DERP
200 Derp Dollars
12 Hours
Backup Generator
Level 5 outposts have a backup generator. Every seven days, when a shift would end due to an incorrect prediction, use the power generator to continue the shift.
We'll observe how this feature is used and adjust based on that use. Shift fees and prediction times are subject to change.
We encourage you to provide feedback based on using the Energy Compound!